
Paul’s Letters to a Troubled Church: I and II Corinthians is unavailable, but you can change that!

In these letters one sees the heart of pastor Paul and the practical-oriented, doctrinal mind of the Apostle to the Gentiles. These letters are a treasure of applied truth. Paul loved and worked with a factious, prideful, rebellious Gentile church, affected by Jewish false teachers.

5:20 “we are ambassadors for Christ” To whom does the “we” and “you” in this verse refer? Is Paul speaking to the church? If so, the “we” is Paul and his missionary team and the “you,” believers at Corinth. These people did not need to be saved, but they did need to be brought back into unity. Notice that Paul does not say believers should be ambassadors, but that they are ambassadors. This is similar to Jesus’ statements in Matt. 5:13–16. Believers are salt and light. The question is what kind of
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